Sunday of the Meat Fare


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

Today, just a few days before the beginning of Great Lent, our Church presents to us the scene or description of Final Judgment. How many times we hear about loving Jesus, compassionate, merciful, kind and good? Yes, that’s who he is. But at the same time we have to remember that he is also just. Do we like it or not he is!

Today in the Gospel lesson (Mt. 25:31-46) we have heard how he is going to render judgment to all of us one day. At that time there won’t be exceptions, excuses, etc… We will have to respond for all of our deeds here on earth. Sounds scary, right? No, not really! As long as we do what Jesus wants us to do, we will be fine. And all he wants us to do is to love him through our brothers and sisters. Take care of them as best as we can, help them, be there for them like extended hand of God. In doing so we have nothing to be afraid of, but eagerly wait for Jesus’ words: “Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom.”

May God bless your week!

Fr. Janko!