Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
Today we are back at the scene of burial of our Lord. Today we are honouring the brave women who without fear, without any hesitation and very early in the morning went at the grave of Jesus to be with him, to seek and anoint his body.
They were seeking for Jesus. And how about us? What is it that we are seeking in the Church if not Jesus, that is, the Saviour? In order to find him, we are to walk in the daylight and not in the darkness – that is, let there be no darkness of evil in our hearts; for the desires of the flesh, and works that are evil, are darkness, as wrote St. Ambrose of Milan.
“Therefore, drive the darkness from you, brethren; that is all sinful desires, and all evil works, and provide yourself with sweet spices, that is earnest prayers”, says the same author.
God’s blessing be upon all!
Fr. Janko!