Sunday of The Paralytic Man


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

For thirty eight years the Paralytic Man, as we have heard in today’s Gospel (Jn. 5:1-15), have waited for someone to put him in the pool in which his healing would take place. Luckily for him that day Jesus was there and he saw man’s despair, man’s misery, and man’s silent cry for help. “Would you like to get well?” Jesus asked the man. Jesus offered the healing to the man, and of course, the man accepted the free gift of healing.

Guess what! This same free gift of healing is offered to us too. No matter what are we paralyzed with, Jesus is here with us, asking us the same question: “Would you like to get well?” Do we want to, or do we prefer to stay paralyzed with our despairs, our angers, our judgments, our sadness, and our laziness…?

With one word – Do we want to stay in our sins or do we want healing?

May the Healer of all be merciful to us!

Fr. Janko!