Slava Isusu Hristu! Glory be to Jesus Christ!
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
In our Parish we celebrate today the Praznyk – day of the saint or feast to which the Church is consecrated. In our case it is the feast which is actually tomorrow. Nevertheless, today is the day in which we are all to rejoice and embrace each other with Christian love and greet one another with the triumph of the Holy Cross! The Cross is the power for us. The Cross is the strength for us in sickness or in temptation. The Cross is the courage for us to do right things in spite of opposition. The Cross is held up for us and given to us to lead a life of dedication, service and love for another.
In today’s Gospel (Jn. 3:13-17) we have heard how God loved us in sending us His Son, to teach us how to love, to teach us how to forgive and accept forgiveness, to teach us how to respect each other. By watching the Cross upon which our Lord endured the most horrible and painful death out of love, we Christians cannot do anything else but respond with the same love for Jesus and our brothers and sisters that live with us on this earth.
Have a blessed Praznyk!
Yours in Christ!
Fr. Janko!