Sunday of the Forefathers

Slava Isusu Hristu! Glory be to Jesus Christ!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

The Master sent the servants to tell the guests: “Come, the Banquet is ready.” We have heard these words in today’s Gospel ( Lk. 14:16-24), and they are the words of invitation not only to those people living at Jesus’ times, but they are uttered to us. Yes, everything is ready for the Saviour to come again into our world, our lives, and our souls. Invitations are here and it is up to us to reply. RSVP says Jesus! Are you ready to come to meet me? Are you ready to receive me? Are you prepared or not, I am coming, says the Lord. And if you are not ready or reject my invitation it is for your own peril. So let us be ready and come to the Banquet!

“Let no one delay in coming to the supper. Let us put aside all idle wicked excuses, and come to supper in which our souls are fed. Let no swelling pride keep us back, or lift us above ourselves; Let not the delights of the senses keep us from delights of the souls.” says St. Augustine of Hippo.

God blessings to Everyone!

Fr. Janko!