Ladies Group
A chance for the ladies of Holy Cross to come together in fellowship and prayer.
Meetings are held the first Monday of the month at 7:00pm (normally… always check the bulletin)
Our monthly meetings include:
- Prayers
- Spiritual Message
- Old & New Business
- Fellowship
Charities We Support:
- Christmas Backpack / Shoebox Program for Ukrainian Orphans
- Hope Mission
- Marian Centre
- World Vision
- WIN House
- Edmonton School Lunch Program
- Christmas Hampers for those in need
Other Responsibilities / Activities:
- Prepare Communion Bread
- Responsible for Alter Linens
- Visitations to Sick and Shut – Ins
- Participate in World Day of Prayer
- Easter & Christmas Flowers for Church
- Mission Lunches
- Funeral Dinners
- Baking Bees
- Sunday Coffee Hour Supplies
- Published 2 Cookbooks
- Ladies Dinner Meetings
- Invite Spiritual & Informational Speakers
- Malanka Display at Londonderry Mall
- Kitchen Inventory / Clean Up
Club Activities:
- St. Nicholas Party Dinner
- Easter Bake Sale
- Blessed Breakfast
- First Communicants Luncheon
- Family Picnic
- Day of Reflection
- Parish Praznik
- Support Youth Activities