Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
In the Gospel lesson that we have in front of us today (Lk. 18:10-14), Jesus told the story to those who had great confidence in their own righteousness and scorned everyone whom they met. The story is not only for those who lived at Jesus’ time, it is still so true about our days and lives.
How many Christians have the attitude of prayer that is similar to that of Pharisee? They really don’t pray, they brag about their nice lives, perfect behaviours, and of course, comparing to the behaviour of those they call friends, companions or even family members.
And that is exactly what Jesus told us not to do. We are to humble ourselves, look realistically into our lives full of sins and shortcomings, and compare ourselves not to others but to Jesus. Doing so we will realize that the only thing we can do is to ask God’s mercy. Just like the Publican did in the story!
God bless you all!
Fr. Janko!