7th Sunday After Penetecost

Slava Isusu Hristu! Glory be to Jesus Christ!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

In these summer reflections, we came upon the miracles of healing of two blind men and a mute person. (Mt.9:27-35). Jesus was able, available and willing to help all those who needed help and asked Him to heal them. He didn’t refuse anyone, but in every case of healing He required the faith. Jesus asked two blind men: “Do you believe I can make you to see?” Their answer was firm: “Yes, Lord, we do!” Every one of us during the course of our daily lives asks Jesus in prayers for some favours, help or even miracles. Do we ask Him in that firm faith like two blind men, that Jesus will help us?

We are strongly encouraged to do so and experience the goodness, love and compassion of our Lord.

Until we resume our Sunday reflection in September, I wish to all of you blessed, joyous and filled with God’s graces summer!

Yours in Christ!

Fr. Janko!