Slava Isusu Hristu! Glory be to Jesus Christ!
Dear Brothres and Sisters in Christ!
Today in our Gospel reading we have heard short and very well-known story about fool rich man ( Lk. 12:16-21). Just to remind ourselves: His farm produced fine crops, and “poor man”, he didn’t know what to do! We have heard at the end what he did tough. Instead of sharing it with those who were not so fortunate, maybe even his relatives or neighbours or friends, he thought only about himself.
We in Canada are still living in relative abundance compering to the rest of the world. Many people have a lot, and I wonder, do they have the same problem like the rich man in the Gospel. Hopefully not! Hopefully none of us has the problem with sharing our resources with those in need when we are blessed with abundance. Anyway isn’t this one thing we are called to do during this St. Philip’s Fast which we started a week ago?
Many blessings!
Fr. Janko!