21st Sunday After Pentecost

Slava Isusu Hristu! Glory be to Jesus Christ!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

Today’s Gospel (Lk. 8:5-15) challenges us to think how is our faith? Does it have “deep roots” from where it can take everything needed for authentic Christian life? Is our faith the one represented in fourth group of seeds in the Gospel, seeds that fell on fertile soil? Yes, the Parable refers planting of seeds to our relationship towards Word of God and in that way neglecting our faith or growing in it. We as Christians are called to receive God’s Word, to cherish it to love it and, of course, live accordingly. Just like the farmer, when putting the seed in the soil, expects good harvest, so does our Lord expect good Christian life, filled with charity, compassion, care and love from each and everyone of us. That’s exactly what Jesus said at the end of the Gospel: And the seed that fell on the good soil represents honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s Word, cling to it and patiently produce a huge harvest. Are we those people?

God bless!

Fr. Janko!